Only a Holy God
Who else commands all the hosts of heaven?
Who else could make every king bow down?
Who else can whisper and darkness trembles?
Only a Holy God
What other beauty demands such praises?
What other splendour outshines the sun?
What other majesty rules with justice?
Only a Holy God
Come and behold Him
The One and the Only
Cry out, sing holy
Forever a Holy God
Come and worship the Holy God
Verse 3
What other glory consumes like fire?
What other power can raise the dead?
What other name remains undefeated?
Only a Holy God
Verse 4
Who else could rescue me from my failing?
Who else would offer His only Son?
Who else invites me to call Him Father?
Only a Holy God
Only my Holy God
There is One Gospel
There is one Gospel on which I stand
For all eternity
It is my story, my Father's plan
The Son has rescued me
Oh what a Gospel, oh what a peace
My highest joy and my deepest need
Now and forever He is my light
I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
There is one Gospel to which I cling
All else I count as loss
For there, where justice and mercy meet
He saved me on the cross
No more I boast in what I can bring
No more I carry the weight of sin
For He has brought me from death to life
I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
There is one Gospel where hope is found
The empty tomb still speaks
For death could not keep my Saviour down
He lives and I am free
Now on my Saviour, I fix my eyes
My life is His and His hope is mine!
For He has promised I, too, will rise
I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
And in this Gospel the church is one
We do not walk alone
We have His Spirit as we press on
To lead us safely home
And when in glory still I will sing
Of this old story that rescued me
Praise to my Saviour, the King of life
I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Every Step
I can sing with my whole heart, I have all I need
In Jesus, my Saviour, my joy is complete
Onward to glory yet here I will wait
I will trust in Christ every step I take
I am sure of Your promise to guide me each day
Though some may oppose me, I won't be ashamed
Whatever I face, Lord, it won't be in vain
I will trust in Christ every step I take
For all of my days, I will live for Your glory
Running with courage and faith
The prize of my journey, the joy of salvation
To meet my King face to face
So I'm looking to Jesus, perfector of faith
My heart set on heaven where treasure awaits
I'll run with endurance to finish the race
I will trust in Christ every step I take
I will, I will rejoice
Whatever comes my way
God You're faithful to save
I will, I will rejoice
I know that God is with me always